Break the Cycle: Get Out & Get Moving!
Working from home, working from a desk, sitting at home? It’s been pretty difficult to be active during these times when all we can do is stay at home! But did you know that even the most basic and simple of exercises can prevent chronic conditions, memory decline, and depression?
A sedentary lifestyle has obvious risks, such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, loss of flexibility and blood flow, lower metabolism, osteoporosis, anxiety, and depression.. just to name a few!
Our bodies were made to move – our bones, our joints, our muscles, everything has been perfectly designed for us to prevent these health risks..
What are ways that we can stay mobile and active without sacrificing our health and safety during Covid-19?
Well of course, there are the obvious ways of “exercising”:
1. Go for a walk
2. Biking
3. Jogging
4. Bodyweight exercises (such as push-ups, squats, etc.)
Here are other ways and ideas to get your body moving healthily, that maybe you hadn’t thought of before!
- Climb Stairs – If you have the opportunity to choose between stairs or the elevator, try to use the stairs more! It might be tough at first, but you’ll notice overtime how your cardiovascular muscles improve, and your leg muscles get stronger.
- Vacuum for 20 minutes – Your spouse will thank you! Performing household chores like vacuuming, dusting, or organizing can get your body moving just as well as a workout regime!
- Gardening – Get outside and “get moving” – did you know that in one hour of gardening, you could burn up to 300 calories? Even just giving it a shot, 20 minutes a day can increase mobility of your joints and boost your mood.
- Biking – Whether you ride with speed or leisurely is more your style, biking is a great, low impact way to keep moving while easily maintaining social distance from others.
- Dancing – When it doubt – dance it out! Put on your artist on, and just wiggle and move. There are also plenty of free Zumba or dance classes online if you’d rather have something to follow! This is a great way to move your joints with low impact that will have you smiling and sweating in no time.